Thursday, January 13, 2011

Preventing Back Pain

 Causes of back pain Back pain affects millions of Canadians. It can make everyday tasks — such as getting in and out of a car, putting on a coat, picking up a child or sitting at a desk — virtually unmanageable.

Injuries, heavy lifting, ageing, recreational activities, pregnancy and the stress of everyday life can all cause back pain, but there are things you can do to prevent problems from developing, becoming chronic, and affecting your quality of life.

Prevention tips Try these tips to minimize your risk of back pain:
  1. Warm up before and stretch out after physical activities such as sports, gardening or other physically demanding tasks at work and at home.
  2. Keep backpacks and purses light – distribute the load evenly on your shoulders.
  3. Lift objects safely – bend your knees and use your arm and leg muscles, not your back to lift.
  4. Stretch after an hour of television viewing or sitting at the computer.
  5. Invest in a supportive mattress and pillow.
  6. Fit regular exercise into your weekly routine; poor fitness is associated with back pain.
  7. Work on your posture to keep your spine properly aligned.
  8. Maintain a healthy weight to reduce the strain on your back.
  9. Drink water to keep your body – including the disks of your spine – hydrated.
  10. Give yourself a break. Find time to de-stress and relax tense muscles
By making your spinal health a priority, you can avoid long-term problems and keep working and doing the things you love. If you experience back pain that lasts more than two or three days, consult your massage therapist or another health care professional.


  1. Back pain is the most common cause of missed work. It is possible to avoid back pain by knowing the cause and the ways to prevent it. Anyway, thanks for sharing those practical tips to minimize back pain.
    Krisha | pain management emr

  2. Thanks for the FANTASTIC post! This information is really good and thanks a ton for sharing it :-)
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