Monday, November 14, 2011

Don't Worry, Be Happy !

A few years ago an catchy little tune called Don't Worry, Be Happy by Bobby McFerrin was going the rounds. Once heard it took ages to get out of your head. But within that simple song lies a profound message; we spend way too much time worrying.

The thing about worrying is that no good ever comes of it. Worry dissipates your energies, diverting them from more constructive use. As we've got better at curing physical illness so it seems mental illnesses such as stress, depression, anxiety (essentially all aliases for worry) have expanded to fill the gap. And of course these conditions adversely affect physical health.

But even worse than that, worry is a form of thought. And as countless teachers have told thoughts are very powerful things. They tend to manifest themselves in reality. So by worrying, you actually serve to create the very thing you are worried about!

If something is bothering you all the worry in the world isn't going to help (and will most likely harm). Whatever it may be - money, work, relationships, kids, health, family... DO something about it. If the problem is money, start planning and budgeting a little better; if it's work, start checking the job ads or consider something more radical like self-employment or re-training; if it's health, eat healthy, exercise and follow the doctor's orders...

Sit quietly, take a few deep breaths, analyze what's wrong and what you can do about it. Don't be afraid to ask for help through prayer, or even from those you trust.

In most situations you'll have a choice of potential actions (including simply doing nothing and letting what will be just be). And for each, since we can't see the future, a range of possible outcomes - including the best, worst and most likely.

You'll now be empowered by knowledge. Decide what you're going to do. Then do it. And stop worrying, because you KNOW that you've done the best you could in the circumstances, and whatever happens you KNOW that you couldn't have done any better.

Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday

Think back to childhood. I'm pretty sure you worried then too. Perhaps you forgot to revise for a class test, or maybe you got dropped from the football team, or your best friend didn't want to let you in a game... At the time didn't it seem the biggest problem in the world, but looking back don't your childhood worries seem inconsequential? And that's how today's worries will seem when reviewed in the world of Spirit. So stop worrying and be happy.

Aching Back From Driving or Sitting? You Can Do Something About It

Back pain complaints are the number one worry of most of those who live and love to travel in their RV’s. When I teach a back clinic at rallys it’s always to a full house and the back ailments, while they are as many and varied as the typical RV group, are a source of pain, discomfort, and even disability to all. What can you do to alleviate the worst symptoms, and how can you deal with your back problem without spending a fortune on surgery, medications and chiropractic visits?
Avoid sitting for more than two hours at a time. Yes, I know this is not what you wanted to hear, but it is a fact. Sitting, whether you are driving, riding, or otherwise occupied, is very hard on the spine.
“Sitting all day is the worst thing in the world you can do for your back,” says Dr. Joel Press, medical director of the Spine and Sports Institute at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago.
Sitting puts nearly twice the stress on the spine as standing, and slouching while sitting increases the pressure even more. Slouching pushes the back into a convex, or “C” shape. Staying in this position for hours, barely moving, compounds the damage done by this position. Our backs are designed for movement, as is our whole body. Movement is key to lubricating the disks that act as shock absorbers for the body. When we’re locked into this “C” position we rob our spine of important and essential nutrients. There is no regular vascular supply road to the spine–it depends on movement to provide these essential nutrients.
So what can we do to avoid the painful low back lock up? Change your position. Stand up, if possible, every 15 to 30 minutes, clasp your hands behind your back and stretch. Walk. Walking stirs up the blood circulation to the whole body–especially to the spine–and restores lost blood flow and brings healing nutrients to the whole spinal column. If you have to sit longer, move from a slouch to an arched back several times. Even the driver can do this. Press the lower back against the seat, round, then arch your back to release the pressure of the “C” curve position. Use a lumbar roll to help maintain the natural curve of the back.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Using Music to Help Relieve Stress

Music can be a great tool to help you relax and get rid of the day to day stresses that effect you. It is such a powerful tool that there are even music therapy courses that focus specifically on the subject. For the casual user, it is important to ensure that you choose the right kind of music though to get the most benefit from it.

Many people may believe that loud or fast paced music is not good for relaxation but this is not necessarily true. It could be that you enjoy heavy metal music and that after a dull and boring day working in an office job, getting home and listening to a vibrant track by your favorite artist may be just the thing you need to help you forget the stresses of the day and focus your mind on something else.

Music can bring back both good and unhappy memories so it's best to avoid anything that may remind you of an upsetting or distressing situation. For example, if you remember a track from a friend's funeral then you may associate the feelings that go with that. Focus instead on music that brings back happy thoughts for you.

As well as the more mainstream and contemporary albums available you can also buy CDs that are designed specifically to bring on a relaxed state of mind. This tracks tend to have rhythms that bring your mind into a state of deep relaxation and are popular with anyone who practices yoga or meditation. They can be good for helping you drift off to sleep if you are suffering from insomnia.

The great thing about music for relaxation is that it does not stop you from performing other activities at the same time. There is no reason why you can't simply carry on with some of those chores or tasks you need to accomplish about the home at the same time.

You can use music to wake you up in the morning if you have an alarm clock with a radio or even better, with a ipod built in. You can also listen to music on the way to and from work in the car. This can help relax you for the work day ahead and minimize any stresses you may feel on the road.

So the next time you have some tasks ahead that you feel will cause you some stress, try to see if there is a way you can incorporate music into it to help you relax more.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Candle Therapy: Relax, Refresh, Energize

There is much talk of aromatherapy and scents. Everywhere you look, scents are being added to product lines. Traditionally, we see them in body lotions, shampoos and other topical skin care products. Even a well-known toothpaste company now makes vanilla and orange scented toothpaste. Big name marketers know the power of scent.

But why are they choosing the scents they do? In simple terms, scents affect our mood and even our physiology. If something makes us feel good or energized, we want that. Right?

More and more you will see scents added to products we use in our homes, in our place of business, and in the stores we shop in. According to the Sense of Smell Institute, office environments may begin to incorporate scents in the work area to increase alertness, attitude, and work performance.

In a world in which our visual & hearing senses are bombarded with stimuli it's great news that our noses will be in for a treat too.

But which scents affect our moods? Among the many scents available, here a few commonly used fragrances and the mood or physiological reaction they have been known to elicit.

Relax with :
Cedar wood

Refresh with :

Energize with :

Foster Romance with :
Juniper Berry
Cinnamon Buns

Cherish Pleasant Memories with :
Sugar Cookie
Pumpkin Pie
Fresh Linen
Baby Powder

So grab yourself a candle. Set the mood in your office or home. Relax, Refresh, Energize!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Aromatherapy And Stress Relief.

In today’s fast paced work environment, stress is the major outcome. Stress has become a worldwide phenomenon, an epidemic of sorts. Stress leads to other ailments, such as mood disturbances, disturbed sleep, headaches, and indigestion, among others, and can lead to damaged relationships. People find many different ways to relieve the stress in their lives. Some find physical activities to be great stress busters, while others indulge in mental activities to gain relief from stress.
Aromatherapy, which is the use of aromatic substances as well as essential oils, is another great way to relieve the stress in your lives, whether work related, or otherwise. The essential oils – which are the extracts of the aromatic plants – have the ability to provide positive benefits immediately by relieving stress. The stress in you has a direct relation with the emotional element in you. It is, therefore, essential that the essential oils your select has a positive effect on you.
Depending on the aromatic oil you choose, it can have various beneficial effects, such as mood changes, increased concentration, and stimulation of your creative juices. Today’s work environment is totally air conditioned, and you may feel stuffy and have a ‘closed-in’ feeling, leading to increased stress levels. The essential oils from Lavender, Lemon, and Rosemary are known to perk you up in no time. Chamomile, Lavender or Sandalwood essential oils are known as great aromatic treatment to provide relief from various kinds of stress and work place tensions. Lavender essential oils are known to lessen errors on the computer by as much as 25 %!

The Essential Oils

Different essential oils have different stress relieving abilities. A look at some of the essential oils and their properties:

• Eucalyptus – The essential oils extracted from the leaves and twigs of the eucalyptus tree provide relief from confusion and restlessness. It regenerates your being and enhances your vitality, among other things.
• Cinnamon – The essential oil from the cinnamon tree bark is great for providing relief from stress and fatigue.
• Lemon Grass – The oil from the lemon grass improves your concentration, and reduces panic and stress.
• Rosemary – This essential oil is extracted from the flowers of the rosemary herb, and enhances your energy, along with providing increased clarity and concentration. It provides relief from stress, strain, fatigue and lethargy, etc.
• Orange – Extracted from the peel of the orange, this pale yellow essential oil helps relieve anxiety, stress, and burn out.
• Basil – Extracted from the leaves of the herb, the essential oil is pale yellow and helps fight the feeling of negativity, mental fatigue, and burn out, among other things. It also enhances enthusiasm and clarity.
• Cedar wood – Extracted from the cedar tree wood, this essential oil is great when used to fight mental strain, anxiety and worry.
• Lavender – It has been in use for aromatherapy by the ancient cultures, and is the most versatile of all the essential oils. This oil is very beneficial in all kinds of stresses, and helps reduce depression, anxiety, and fatigue. It rejuvenates you and provides relaxation.

A Simple Meditation to De-Stress at Work

Work is piling up. Your boss is on your back. Your co-worker is whistling 'Dixie,' and an unhappy client just sent you a nasty e-mail. You're feeling short tempered, anxious, and tense - and you're getting caught in a downward spiral of stress. At times, it becomes unbearable and the pressure has you feeling like you're going to explode!

Is it possible to de-stress in the workplace?

Alleviate tension, calm your mind and make your life easier through meditation. "Meditation will help you relax and rejuvenate, increase your energy, clear your thinking and improve your emotional stability. All you need is a strong desire to improve your life and a willingness to practice simple meditation."

Here's how you can take a few moments to meditate while you're at the office, or anytime you're feeling stressed:

Find a place to sit comfortably. Let your body relax. Take a deep breath in. As you exhale, say to yourself, "I am calm, serene and relaxed." Repeat this mantra a few times. Let the chatter in your mind gradually fade away, and feel yourself entering a relaxed state. Let each body part release any tension; relax your toes, ankles, knees, hips, stomach, elbows, shoulders, chest, throat, wrists, finger tips, lips, eyes. Enjoy the feeling for a few minutes.

Thank yourself for taking a break and slowly return to being alert to your environment.

When you meditate, your brain waves move to a calmer, happier place.

The personal advantages of meditation are endless. Inner peace, mental calmness and relaxation all happen through meditation. Difficult situations will become easier to deal with.

You're "calm, serene and relaxed.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Strategies For Effectively Preventing Anxiety Attacks

Most of the people I've met who have anxiety attacks are almost always afraid to express themselves to certain pple in their lives. So they continue dishonoring themselves by walking on eggshells and not expressing what's really going on.

You can get rid of your anxiety attacks and be Anxiety Free. Anxiety is a terrible condition to have and leaves you feeling very isolated. You need to learn to understand your anxiety and then take control of it. Control through;

1. Searching out your trigger points and what it is about them that affects you
2. Understanding and directing your self talk
3. Building support with loved ones and friends
4. Facing each anxiety and panic attack knowing it will not harm you
5. Forcing uncomfortable situations on yourself
6. Facing your fears and seeing them for what they aren't

Restructure priorities: Emphasize positive, effective behavior.
Make time for recreational and pleasurable activities.
Communicate: Explain and assert your needs to someone you trust; write in a journal to express your feelings.
Try to focus on positive outcomes and finding methods for reducing and managing stress.
When you get anxious, try remove yourself from what is around you ; count to ten ; remind yourself you are safe, no one is going to hurt you.
Learn yoga, martial art, tai chi, or a similar art. Try reading self-help books that stress self-control and help you develop it.
I suggest you take a serious time out from everyone and everything and relax for a couple of days. Give your body time to recharge and settle down.